Church News

Real Knowledge

soul evolution

What is knowable is that which is eternal and immutable, unchangeable and unchangeable, so that things may be forever known to us and to the Eternal: past, present, and future realm. The only thing that we can know anything of worth about the Eternal is their Unchangeable nature, which is the one upon which the creation of everything depends. By trying to grasp knowledge of the Eternal we shall fail, because almost all of our concepts of time, space, energy, and matter are in direct contradiction to the Real. We cannot embrace its difficulties in the purity of its eternal nature.

Time and space are the tools used by Creation to classify and distinguish one thing from another. In the end, however, they cannot be absolute or eternal, for they are changeable in accord with the flux of the Ultimate. Thus, there must be something that is the changeless basis of time and space, eternal in nature and everlasting in existence. That something transcends both time and space. It is known as the Absolute. To transcend the changeable, finite subject-object duality of existence requires that there be a single Absolute throughout all of existence, for there to be no cause in regard to any particular object, let alone an Absolute for there to even exist.

This single Absolute, this quintessential dot, is the only reality, the Self, the “I am” of existence. The Self is unchanging and never born. The individual realities of existence are changed moment by moment depending on the proportion of the Self’s emanation in the particular universe, or world, in which it is found and cannot be contained in hardigg cases. The Self only becomes manifest when it is invoked, or adored, by devotees of the highest will.

Among the phenomena of creation are the creation of the relative world of phenomena and the Absolute which determines and determines the relative world. The phenomena are only temporary manifestations of the principles of the Self assumed in various forms, or aspects of, the absolute. The principles of the Self are in constant motion, so are the phenomena. Their movements are influenced by powerful currents of whether called positive or negative, and they are even vacillating. However, the principles of the Self never really change or are destroyed. They are always composing new states of manifestation in the absolute and are to be found as seeds in the relative world. When a seed or precept of the Self is planted in the soil or culture, the plant itself begins to form the various pigments of the various species of the plant, and all life on earth is dependent on the constant stirring of these principles that act as Casualties for the evolution of life on earth until they eventually bride and yield all of the vital nutrients that compose the feed that forms all of our food and power. So it is for the Self, and for the individual soul’s life. The individual evolutionary path of the soul is the same as the path of the microcosm of an individual, and they both share the same primeval goal of becoming the expression of the Self in the universal field of consciousness.

Spite of the limitations of language, and adharmic conflicts among the great religions, to express the concept of the existence of the Self in a universalized form is all but impossible, so we will express this idea “in the heart of all things” (theus ususo) in the next article in the series, together with an illustration of the dream-like and symbolical representation of the principle. Always bear in mind that the principles of a thing may be represented in various ways, and the intellect may formally analyze, describe and even hypothesis the idea, but it is the intuitive perception, that which accepts the idea itself and becomes illuminated. Herein alone may we comprehend the Real, the True, and the Holy. Amen.

Church News

My Faith Strategy – Where Do I Begin?

a good Faith Strategy


Every day we face several decision points in our lives. Some are hard decisions, others are not as difficult, but they do send a message. Decisions we are facing right now that will determine a outcome within our profession, our family, or our community.

If we don’t have the right foundation of knowledge about a subject, we will find it difficult to make sound decisions. Whether it is a decision for a career, a hobby, a business, or a relationship, knowledge is the foundation of what we choose to investigate. When we don’t have the right foundation, the decisions we make will be flawed and rely on our limited understanding. As a result, flawed decisions will produce flawed results.

I don’t know what career you are considering. I do know that one mistake we can make is to jump into a career that is not aligned with our Bramble of Career Knowledge. We need to find out what our position, contribution area, or skill-set is as it relates to the field of study in which you hope to be employed such as my friend who owns crane rental companies in Michigan. It is essential to understand the professional standards, code of conduct and guidelines, and ethics as it pertains to your position.

If you have not established connections with relevant educational institutions, find out about them. Obtain information about related organizations, professional organizations, or other relevant associations. Unless you have a strong background in the field of your prospective career, it is essential to stay in touch with current issues and learn about current opportunities and related studies.

I once attends a college where they required for entrance into the program a certain number of courses even though the requirements for the program were found to be so vague that one could fill in the name of the requirement and be accepted. No doubt, you have been exposed to similar situations even though you consciously decided to avoid these classes. If for some reason you were unable to satisfy the requirements for a particular course, you could be excused but it would be of little use to you.

Even if the requirements for the courses you are accepted to attend are clear and non-conflicting, we unconsciously fill in the gaps. The requirements for particular fields are vague and often difficult to decipher and comprehend. For example, Psychology is a field that expects a lot from an individual. The courses that are required to obtain professional degree are often consecutive years and it is likely that part of your psychological study will involve some time away from work. These courses will often test and assess your moral and ethical standing within a particular organization or other venue, and this is a skill you will need to develop. Even though requirements are clearly stated, you will be prepared to meet them when you attend the right courses and the right workshops.

The absolute ethical standard of the professional is the Watched Through by My Faithfulness, 1 John 4:7

The only path to contented living is the path my faithful servant and beloved Jesus Christ.

“My loved ones, let us have so much joy and peace in the day of affliction, that while trouble comes your way, you may have the joy of the day of salvation.”

The job of the professional is to create access to, and quality of life for their clients. The client is the target of the professional’s skills and knowledge. Human capital is the most important decision point to make. Professional’s work to understand people and situations, not to simply provide solutions to illnesses and injuries. While there are some instances when the client may make the professional’s life easier, there are also times when the clientmailartitioner becomes the professional’s wealth. Awareness is creation and the most important decision point will always be with the person themselves.

Professional’s Success starts with Decision guarded with Faith

“The greatest of your worries is the same as my greatest joy. That you might be weighed down by the reverse of all burdens you take away no weight from your own life but that of the cross.”

Life is measured from your perspective, it’s not measured by street figures, dollar bills or by what other people think of you. The values of others are measured by your standards. If you find out that your sister or brother is struggling with a certain practice or may even be in the doctor’s office with a blocked tooth, it is important for you to acknowledge it to yourself. There is no reason to feel guilty or ashamed because they do this. By not acknowledging it to yourself, you release a negative energy in the form of self-doubt. Once you recognize it, you will begin to become aware of it in your relationship with your sister or brother and most likely they will take notice. And while one day you may be large enough to give them a step to the door to help out, you still have time to teach them about commitment. So in a matter of time, they will be Happily approving your words or performance.

Church News

A Metaphysical Twist to Sowing and Reaping

Sowing and Reaping

The Gospel of Matthew (Chapter 13, verses 3-9) in the King James Version of the Bible reads as follows:

3- And shall tell them, The parable of the sower;4- With mustard seed shall every man reap threefold;5- Which is the seed of he that went forth to seek seed:6- And the garden sought he not, neither did he seethe;7- But dug he the ground, and compassed it with thorns:8- The which is the seed of the woman, and of the work of her heart:9- That which she hath done receiveth seed tenfold, and that in her belly shall she bring forth much fruit.

If you will notice, the parable of the sower applies to us in this present dispensation of the Lord. And I wonder if there is not one among us, who has not experienced a total change in circumstances, or a tapering off of one’s likes and dislikes, or even an instant acquaintance with who and what God really is.

Blessed indeed are those who have experienced such a radical change, but make no mistake. Such a total change, a radical change, is something that happens and can only be temporarily and not permanently. It demands a total dependence upon and dependence of the Word of God, and the total dependence of any man or woman who fully trusts and obeys.

Irene: Thank you Driscoll, that we have some very hot topics here for you to dive on. :oD

Dr. Wynn: You are damn right. Thanks for inviting me. I enjoyed theimes I’ve been reading witheas chapter 3 this week.

Irene: Anything in particular that you would want to share with our readers and readers in general, either online or in print, or I am sure you could send the articles to people you know if you wished.

Dr. Wynn: All right.

Irene: And I can add that these concepts are not exclusive to me, they could just as well apply to you, or family members, or friends; as long as it is something that they could relate to, no matter their religion, just that it touches on something in their lives such as a car appraisal, a personal aspect.

And as I have said many times before; I am a pond eagle. I just watch it, from the safety of the nest, until it flies.

Irene: Thank you Dr. Pierson. Your high standard of excellence in your field is a great example to others. I’m sure many people are searching for answers, and you have provided some great insights in your sermons. I know my future rests in your hands as I continue to pursue my education. If there is anything that you would just say regardless of whether people know you or not, what is it that you would want them to know.

Dr. Pierson: Well, I think it most important to remain silent when one doesn’t know the answers. Although some years ago, Dr. Thomas French wrote an article in ourselves about the necessity of having the courage to know experientially that there is a God. And Dr. French stated that there has to emanate a sense of insecurity and helplessness before we will accept the possibility of a personal relationship with God. I believe that to failure to realize the care and providence of God for our lives in our daily lives is far worse than any religious failure. Failure to realize that for most of us, this world is less than we can even hope to like, and far less than we can truly accept with any real confidence in the depth of our love for a Life God. Failure to realize the depth of genuine compassion and caring could be one of the things that could prevent a failure to like God, in our personal lives.

As long as we fail to realize this connection between our failures and God’s love for us, we will continue to be blind to the wonderful feeling of a loving God who loves us unconditionally in spite of our failings. Then we will only be fooling ourselves, rather than believing the words of Jesus, who said:

John 14: 15-17

Ye did not choose me, but I chose you, and appointed you, that ye should go and bring forth fruit, and that your fruit should remain: that whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father in my name, he may give it you.

In spite of your failures, God still loves you, and he wants you to return to him and he will give you your heart’s desire. You can’t give a heart desire to a thing and not have it be so. As humans, we can only have the faith that God loves us, and he is working on our behalf, even if we are imperfect.

Church News

The Matter of Reality

christian notion of reality

The notion of reality is perhaps the most comprehensive of the fields of philosophy, religion and related social phenomena. The issue of reality involves properties of the external world that cannot be proven by science or accepted as facts. Nevertheless, the External world including our world is material and the internal world, the spiritual world from a Christian perspective, is spiritual. The Christian notion of reality involves reference to the inner workings of the mind which states that the things of the world must come from a higher being. The Bible calls this higher being the Spirit of God, which the Son of God came and brought into the world.

While the external world includes entities such as governments, society, laws, etc, it is the internal spirit world that represents the source of the external reality. Christians refer to this as the first and holy Ghost. The realm of the Spirit is not subject to time or space and its realm does not respect the natural emerge or retreat of the sun. The Christian notion of reality is a spirit world where God’s power is at its maximum. The source of this power is not in the physical, but is a higher intelligence which is the harmony of all things in creation. This power brings forth all things into existence that are effectively subject to God’s will. The orderly structure of the universe, the perfection of the earth, and the orderliness of the life on earth are all a result of this power of the Spirit.

The reality of the Christian notion of reality is contained in this statement by Scripture:

“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places” (Ephesians 6:12).

The power that was in Jesus is still within us, at the whisper of God’s call. Those who are born again have this power in them. It is for us to make a commitment to a deeper walk with God by acknowledging the reality of the Spirit within us, and by allowing this power to do what it senses to do in the world through us. The true Christian notion of reality rejects the misleading idea that the external world must be a reliable ally. The true Christian notion that the external world can be relied upon to reveal the truth is confirmed by the following verse from Oswald Chambers:

“Might you not consider, my brethren, that the principles of this age, which are not so divine as theirs is either duller and less clear, or worse, than the clap of a hand? From whence cometh all this difference? They are not so divine as thou art.”

The reality that the Spirit is divine, life-giving and life-believing, therefore, rejects the idea that the external world can be relied upon to reveal the truth. It is by divine right that the spiritual world presents the truth, not the other way around. The spiritual world does not perceive the same truth as the external world. It does not respond according to the same rules that are established for the external world as in carrying a clear purse showing all your contents (intentions). The spiritual world reflects the inner character of God’s creation. The physical world is for physical development, not eternalorealization.

A teacher of the truth is an inhabitant of the land of the spirit who has agreed to abide with God; who acts as a representative of the spiritual relationship between God and man; who reveals and embodies the truth that is the essence of creation and the reality of faith. Such a person is an inhabitant of the land where the winds and rains, the thunder and lightning, and the earthquakes prevalent. He lives between the two worlds, not by physical force, but by the word of spiritual power./whoever lives between these two worlds is equal to that person who is occupying the position of representative in these two worlds.

The Attendance of the Spiritual World to the Other

The spiritual presence between these two worlds is not automatic, it demands presence. This is a demand, for, without it, we are cut off from this reality. It is impossible to fulfill such an invitation without willfully accepting it. The attending of the spiritual world to the other is a pastime activity which a soul whenever undertake, with the assurance of Divine presence even if for a brief moment.

Such a moment may be an instant or a lifetime journey and the recipient may be anyone, even an unbeliever. In fact, the experience which is referred to here can be enjoyed by the practitioner and the recipient even among non-believers, though of course, their disbelief prevents full manifestation of the experience The spiritual world is conscious of the need to act, and that action is performed by the words of the Invitation and Covenant. In the Invitation and Covenant, the awareness of the other can be recognized and affirmed. The resident in the other world is aware of the need to act and manifests that need to the delight and salvation of those around him or her.

Church News

Top Churches in Nashville

Nashville Churches


So, fun fact, Nashville, or more specifically, Tennessee, is one of the eight states with more than 50 mega churches. A lot of those are in Nashville, a great big portion of them actually, probably because of the competition and such. There is a lot of churches there, if they are a megachurch or not, there is a lot. As you can probably guess, this is what we are going to be talking about today.


You can be looking this up for a hundred thousand different reasons, dozens of different things that that could be influencing you as to why you want to be learning about some of the best churches in Nashville. Hopefully, we are going to be able to cover something that you may want to know about these churches, and hopefully you will be able to find exactly what you need.


You may be here to find a church to attend, in which case, we dearly hope that we are able to match you with one that you would be really happy to go to. We are going to be talking about a lot of different types of churches, Baptist, Church of Christ, Catholic, Calvary, etc. We are going to be talking about a lot of different churches and different religions, so whatever you may need for research purposes, hopefully we can help you out.


We do sincerely apologies if we leave out one of your favorite churches or if we leave out a specific church that you were hoping to be added onto this list. We do really hope that you aren’t disappointed in any way for the things that may or may not be on this list, but if we do end up disappointing you, then we apologies.


We also wanted to say a deep and sincere thank you for taking some time out of your incredibly busy schedule to come and learn a little bit more about this topic. We do really appreciate the fact that you want to come and read this list and analysis, it is really great to know that we were helpful to you in anyway.


Also, just a really quick warning before we get on with the list. As we said, there is an absolutely enormous number of churches, big churches, small churches, megachurches, different churches of different faiths, etc. There is a lot and because of that we are going to have to limit this list in a way that saves us and you some time. We are going to have to go ahead and just pick the best of the best churches available in Nashville and hope that we can land on one that you see.


Also, just a note, we aren’t doing this in any kind of particular order, this is just randomly placed, so being the first or last one on here does not make one church above any other, this is just to point out that these churches are absolutely amazing.


It’s just not possible to go through all of them, all two hundred something, it just wouldn’t work, so we are going to have to keep it limited to only the best of the best. The top churches are the only ones allowed on this list, and if that disappoints you, then we are incredibly sorry. So, without any further delay, here is a conveniently compiled list and analysis of all the top churches in Nashville.

Journey Church


So, the first church on this amazing list is a Baptist church, and it is a doozy, this place is honestly one of the best churches in Nashville, probably the entire world even. There is everything g that you could possibly need in a church like this, there’s the music, there’s the preaching, there’s the incredibly friendly community of like-minded people. It has everything that you could ever possibly want from a place like this and we do sincerely hope that you consider checking it out, it honestly has some of the coolest things there.


A lot of the reviews about this church are mostly positive, the only negative ones talking about how traffic can be kind of bad when it let out, but that’s not that bad, it’s kind of something that happens at all the biggest churches. I myself would definitely not mind taking a look at this church and maybe connecting with a few of the people there, because as the reviews said, a lot of the community is incredibly generous and loving, and the staff even more so.


Most of the pastors are incredibly good at what they do, and they can most certainly teach about the gospel that they praise. The music there is just an amazing quality, they sing everything they have newer Christian music in later services and older songs during the morning for the more traditional Christians.


Hopefully you yourself can find some time to go out and see what everyone is raving on about with this church, maybe you’ll see it as your new church home and be there every Sunday from now on, that would certainly be something wouldn’t it? They are open every day, except for Friday and Saturday, and generally from nine to two, so if you ever do decide to visit, you would have plenty of time during the week.


The services for Sunday though are a 9:30 service to 10:30 and then one at 11:15 to 12:15, so two services that you can take advantage of and make yourself a flexible schedule based upon it. Again, it shouldn’t be a problem for you to go and visit, maybe you could even skip the middleman and just call them, maybe ask a few questions that they may be able to answer.


Whatever you need to do, this is the best Baptist church in Nashville, according to a majority of the people that attend or have attended, so that alone is enough evidence to suggest that it is in fact a church worth checking out at one point or another.

Belmont Church


Right behind Journey Church is Belmont Church, another Baptist one that really is just something special, this is one that is for sure one to check out, especially for the more classically minded Christians as this is the church for more traditional things. The music is a little more traditional, the preaching, some of their practices, all around good things that a lot of people can enjoy during their Sunday service.


All of the people at this church, the community that is, is incredibly friendly, they are all very accepting and very good at begin good Christians, and the preachers and staff are even better. They are right next to the metal recycling near me.  As we said, the preaching is a little more old school, but it still stands strong today with its strong core beliefs that Jesus Christ is everyone’s savor. There is a lot to be offered from this place to say the least and they are all good things, so hopefully you find some time out of your very busy schedule to go by for a service or two and see what they are all about.


Hopefully for them, and you, this will be your new church home, possibly you’ll be able to connect with them and learn a little bit more about yourself as you search for all the best churches, and hopefully this will be one of the ones on your next stop. As we said, it is one that is definitely worth checking out, it has a ton of things to love about it and hopefully you’ll be able to see how much they can offer you and your potential family.

Church of the City


The next one on our list is another follower of Jesus Christ but with a more directed focus. This church as you can probably guess form its name is dedicated to the city and its betterment, using the gifts Jesus has given them and the faith that they have ready. It is honestly very admirable how they decide to take their city by storm and go out to help those in need and help make things better in general with their wisdom, patience, and kindness.


They of course have a Sunday service, they are after all a church, they don’t spend all their time and effort in the city. They have a lot of amazing things to look forward to when you go to this church a lot of spectacular things to look at and see and learn from on your trip to this one. The staff and the community is all incredibly welcoming and they are all incredibly kind and helpful, always willing to lend a hand when one is needed.


This is honestly one of the best churches in Nashville for the simple fact they care so deeply for the people around them, they always take the servants route and decide to be the better people in their community. they want to make a change and with their prayer and the resources given to them by God, they have decided to make the best of it and make the city better.


This is one that I would personally go and check out, they have a lot of things that I would love to see. From the reviews and other face to face comments, I’ve seen that there is a lot of praise in particular for their preaching, there pastors are all very kind and easy going, making sure that people can understand their message with clarity and sure footedness. So, if you ever find the time, you should definitely go and check this place out, and maybe consider donating to there very charitable cause.

Woodmont Christian Church


The last church that we are going to be talking about today is the Woodmont Christian Church and this is one of the best for the simple fact that their motto is about complete and utter unity. They are all about togetherness and making sure that everyone stays afloat on their journey through life, which is also something that is incredibly heartwarming and good, and they apply this motto to whoever joins them, and whoever hasn’t yet.


This is a church that is just so incredibly welcoming that it is almost shocking, just for the sheer fact that they are so welcoming should put this as the best church in Nashville, but like we said there is no best and there is certainly no worst with this list. There is a lot that can be said about this church but the unity that they have and the feeling of warmth and family they exude is just irreplaceable.


So, if you ever find the time to go and see this church, then we definitely recommend it, hopefully you will be able to find everything that you could ever possibly want out of a church like this very soon. Again, this is one of the best, possibly the best, and we dearly hope that you agree with us if you ever get the chance to try them out for yourselves.


The Conclusion


So, we talked about quite a few churches today, all of them being absolutely amazing and good for everything that they do, and they are all just so wonderful and the best with what they do. Hopefully you agree with us and hopefully you were able to find a church that you like with this list, we dearly hope that it was useful.


We just wanted to say again that we are very grateful for the time and effort you put into reading this analysis, we do sincerely thank you for the time that you put aside to come by and read through it really quickly. Thank you very much, and we do hope to see you again and again with everything that you do in life, and we really hope that we will be able to help you in some other future endeavor. This was the top churches in Nashville.







































Church News

La Sagrada Familia

La Sagrada Familia Visit


If you happen to visit La Sagrada Familia in Spain, do not be surprised to see the amazing beauty inside. This church is filled with magnificent examples of Art Deco. The Luke Cathedral and the imposing triangular architecture is a sight to seen. Although you may not see the outside of the church, you can see the remarkable level of decoration inside the church. Many of the brightly colored brightly decorated buildings are covered in rocking seated art deco paintings. Some of the recurring themes in the interior of the church include; saints, angels, Mary, the shepherds, Joseph and Mary’s dress. Also, the most charming Chapel of all time, the S pertaining to the Crucifixion, the Tutor Saliba, the patron of thieves, the Julia Cameron among others.

Sabbath rested Sundays are traditionally regarded as the best time to visit churches. There is always a unique blend of drama and music with the different brief iconographies of the saints on the Sunday evening. Many people visit churches on Sundays to attend the Sunday worships, do a bit of shopping or to attend a baptism celebration. During the week, many churches have play areas for the children and the singing of church hymns is a public holiday in La Sagrada.

Many people take their family to visit churches on the Fourth of July, special events like birthdays or the celebration of a wedding, baptisms or funerals because they have one of the best commercial kitchen design in the world. Church strolls are also popular at this time of the year with churches being easily located around the city. occupies the postal area in the responding to public demand for a quiet and peaceful place to attend mass. Church has a special place in the hearts of some people.

La Sagrada Familia in the city of Sagrada del Rinseqala is one of the original cathedrals of the Sagrada community. It is among the smallest of the Sagrada Familia churches of the city. It is official in the ownership of the First Lady, PMad Ursula Moreira dasilvania. The walls and ceiling are constructed of a special stone that is procured from the Andes and weighs six hundred and sixty tons. This is the main building of the Sagrada Familia, which is comprised of two different chapels, a sacraments church and a conference center.

Sagrada Familia Church is comprised of 13 meeting places, 10 chapel serving various spiritual needs and four priests. It even hosts a cooperative ministry center called Casa de Sagrada where individuals are encouraged to volunteer. Another building called Casa de la Sagrada is an alternative safe haven for individuals who need psychological help.

Sagrada Familia is dedicated to the teaching and exemplification of the life of Jesus in the modern world. Many of the programs and activities held at the Sagrada Familia are original toscarago. These include a bridge program where church members can learn and reconnect with others who are also members of the Sagrada community. Another program called Live Savers is an outreach designed to help children and adolescents learn about responsible scientific living. Another popular program at Sagrada Familia is called Live 5,000, which is an invitation to send a donation to help another person in need.

Seven churches in the Sagrada Familia are dedicated entirely to helping those in need through financial gifts. These include the Keep The Garden Trust, whose main objective is to encourage protecting the hedgerows of the state of affairs; the East West Ministry, to provide opportunities for the marginalised to participate more fully in church life; the Document and Industrial Security Center, which provides assistance tuberous mothers with babies; the rethink ministry, designed to help individuals improve their attitudes; and finally, the Missionary Covenant Church, to which converts are invited upon repentance of sins and obedience to theicular Word of God.

hotter than a hypocrite is the man or woman who reports pains and sorrows of the heart and the spirit that torments them self, what they treasure in their hearts, to the covetousness of others. We read words like these and within them lies the wisdom of God, for whose name is This is Love, Joy, Peace, Rest, and Forever in Jesus name of truth Highest and Lowest all worthy is the treasure most precious still to be given away. This is a lesson for every one of us on the earth, that life with intent on the giving God, to Love most pure, may be the most fruitful, if we honour his commandments.

The treasure of truth was a treasure hard to measure or value, nevertheless, was worth more than silver or than gold. its exact measurement. Silver describes the glory of God an hundred thou art thou precious, gold fills thy birth, wondrous apostle of praise, full of thy grace and gratitude, co- all for this priceless of holiness of God fill thy faithfulness.


Church News

How to Choose What Church to Attend

looking for a new church

Section 1 – Looking for a New Church

There may come a time when you find yourself looking for a new church. This may be for a variety of reasons, however, whatever the reason, it can be a tough decision to make.

Choosing a new church requires a great deal of thought and reflection about the church that suits your needs. This will involve carefully looking at the options available to you, and a great deal of prayer, so that you can select a church that has a core doctrine you agree with.

Why are you looking for a new church? Have you relocated to a new residence or have you become aware that something is lacking in your present place of worship? Possibly the doctrine of your existing church has an element that troubles you, or your understanding of faith has outgrown what your church offers. Very few people have a static faith all their life and it is not uncommon for people to review their beliefs and find that the particular denomination they belong to, is a mismatch for an individual belief.

Thinking about why an individual should, or should not join a particular faith reminds me of a story from Iran. In Iran, the majority Islamic Faith has a strong dislike of another religion that rose within the country, the Baha’i Faith.

Islamic leaders have such a hatred of that faith that they destroy Baha’i Cemeteries, ban Baha’i children from higher education, and close down Baha’i-owned businesses. The Baha’is have been persecuted for many years and many have been killed. Many stories about the Baha’is are spread among the Muslims by Islamic Mullahs, spreading disinformation about them.

Anyway, a group of Baha’is was meeting in one city and a Muslim came in and sat at the back. He came for two consecutive weeks. On each occasion, he was approached by members of the community and invited to take part in worship. He politely declined and said he just wanted to sit and watch. The same thing happened the third week, but this time when he was asked, he replied that had attended three weeks and in all that time there had been no dancing naked around the room. He went on to say that he was very disappointed as his Mullah had assured him that was what happened at Baha’i meetings. Finally, he inquired when the naked dancing was going to start!

Sometimes we do not understand other denominations and we base our decisions on information garnered from biased and inaccurate sources, or we make assumptions that later prove to be false. When looking for a new church we must take our time to understand the doctrine of the denomination/church, and how they put this into practice. If we carelessly join a church without any investigation, we may find ourselves disillusioned and that disillusionment could drive us away from Christianity altogether.

Section 2 – Personal Experiences

· Lifestyle

For around a year I lived in Ireland, a strongly Catholic country. One thing I soon realized in my village was that if you did not belong to the Catholic church you never got to hear about community activities, you were an outsider and could never properly become part of the community. I was not a Catholic and when talking about my beliefs with friends one or two of them agreed with the spiritual aspects of my faith but could not bring themselves to make that leap and leave the Catholic church.

We seek to be part of a community when we join a church. It should feel like home. In rural Ireland that meant the Catholic church. In other countries establishing that sense of community is much harder. Does the church you are considering offer the community that you are seeking? Some of the more successful churches in America today are those which offer a whole lifestyle.

· Friendliness

The next church I experienced was in Bulgaria. A fellow British guy and I were living in the coastal resort of Varna, where we decided to go and make friends with members of other faiths/churches. We found a branch of the Church of Jesus Christ and Latter-Day Saints, and we went along to some of their meetings. We made it abundantly clear that we had our own faith and did not want to join their church, but that we wanted to share some worship with them. People were so very friendly, there was even a translation service set up so one member of their congregation sat at the back and spoke into a microphone, translating Bulgarian into English for us in our ear-pieces. After the service, they would split into discussion groups and we were allowed to join and made very welcome, comparing their interpretation of Jesus against ours. We had many happy visits to their church during our time in Varna. Had I been looking to join a church in Varna, they would certainly be high on the list of possible, because of the love they demonstrated to everybody. Compare this to another church we visited where nobody took the time or trouble to speak to us.

· Doctrine

To look at doctrine I will go back to my teenage years in England. I had a friend who did dielectric testing who belonged to a house church and he invited me along. I guess I went along simply as an act of friendship but on arriving I was made welcome by everyone, in particular an attractive young lady about my age. I have to be honest and she was the reason I kept going back, and over time I got swept up in this community and got baptized.

This was where it started going wrong. The pastor and the senior members of this church seemed intent in isolating me from my parents. They called them sinners and said they were a bad influence. This started to put my guard up. I also noticed that generally, when preaching, the pastor seemed to be filled with hate of anyone who was not part of the church.

I still have visions of him seething with rage, and vitriol. I just knew this was not the loving church that I was looking for, and I stopped going. It was to be 40 years before I came back to religion because of this church. To them, I guess their approach and interpretation of the words of God made sense, but it didn’t to me.

· Finding Your True Faith

Forty years after my experience of the house church, my wife was diagnosed with cancer and given five years to live at the most. This starting me thinking about spiritual matters and I was open to thoughts that I had not explored for a lifetime. I found my current faith online, and before I had even met a member of that faith I knew from my studies that this faith made sense to me. Where the house church had hate, my new faith had love. Where the house church saw themselves as apart from the community, my new faith believed in unity.

I knew within days that this would be my spiritual home, but remembering the mistakes I had made in the past with the house church, I studied, and I arranged to go and visit an elderly lawyer who was a member of this faith. I attended his home once a week for five weeks and then I knew, and I became a member of this community of faith.

There are a great many resources online where you can explore different denominations and faiths. Places where you can find out the truth, unlike the Muslims who had fallen for propaganda. Be certain that you understand fully what the community you seek to join, really believe, and how they put those beliefs into action.

Section 3 – How YOU can find a Spiritual Home

In the last section, we looked at what I have learned through personal experience. I wanted to include this so you would understand my journey and my guidance for you. In this final section, we will look in detail at how you can find a spiritual home where you feel comfortable and will thrive.

The Church is People, not Buildings

The Bible tells us very clearly that the church is not a structure, it is not a piece of architecture, it is a body of believers. Hebrews 10:25 makes it very clear that the members of the church should regularly meet together. Are the members of this church people who you would want to spend time with? Do they share the same outlook? Recent studies have shown that the United States alone has some 450,000 churches. Even a smallish town will typically have six or seven choices. Focus on these six or seven communities and decide where you best fit.

How Does the Church Regard the Bible?

Some people believe wholeheartedly, often against scientific evidence, that the Bible is literal history. Others believe that the Bible uses language to explain complex ideas understandably and is not intended to be taking word for word. Both groups of people have equal respect for the Bible but they understand it differently. If you are someone who is more liberal with their interpretation of the Bible and you join a church that takes the Bible exactly as it is read, then you are going to crash on the rocks. Many churches will have a website and will post a doctrinal statement on them. Make a point of reading them.

Is Church Just a Place to Attend on Sundays?

Some Christians like to attend a weekly church service and that is their only interaction with the church all week. Others expect to be involved in a community that may meet several times during the week carrying out different activities. They take pleasure in working with the community and learning together. If you are a Sunday-only Christian and find yourself pressured into doing far more, then you will not be comfortable.

Another Great Divide

Some believers see charity as an important task for the church to support. They expect the pastor to live a simple lifestyle and to dedicate himself to the comfort of others. Others seem to thrive in a mega-church with expensive buildings and a pastor who becomes very wealthy, living almost a jet-set lifestyle. Some enjoy the showbiz and environment of these megachurches, while others prefer a more spiritual and simpler approach, spending most of the church income on caring for the sick or the poor.

Visit Each Church

If your small town has six to seven churches before you make a final decision about which church to join, visit each one on a Sunday in turn. What sort of welcome do you get? How does the worship feel? Do you feel at home with this community? A church should notice when someone new sneaks in at the back, Someone should make a point of welcoming you.

Website and Social Media

You can find out a lot from the website of a church, and even more from social media. You can get background and an idea of how the church functions before you pay a visit. Is there genuine love shown in social media posts? What activities do the church-run? How involved is the membership in the church activities or is the same person or couple doing everything.

Final Thoughts

Finding the right church is important. If your faith is important to you and you want to feel truly a part of a community, then it is worthwhile investing some time and effort into finding the right match. Spending a few weeks checking out each church, in turn, can be an interesting experience in itself and is a sure way to help find your new spiritual; home.

What you do not want to be doing is constantly moving churches every few months, spend just that little bit of extra time now to find a place where you will feel at home.

Church News

Planning Your Church Kitchen Design

Church Kitchen Design


Here’s What You’ Need First

Before spending any money on buying a new church kitchen design, make sure you know more about what your church will be using it for and how much you will need. This will help you get a better picture of what exactly you will need. If your assets will be used for church activities, you will need to maximize space by getting storage space for equipment as well as cooking, storage and preparation areas for food that are for religious eduction purposes.

Choosing the Right Church Kitchen Design

Once you know what you’re looking for, you need to determine what options will work best for your church. You will want to design your kitchen after any specific requirements. If you have four separate areas for your hot food before service, then designate those areas with one chef. However, this may not work for a community closet that will have numerous people. In this case, you will need your hot food areas near the front of your church or will need to make sure that two areas get close enough to meet in order to allow for aisles.

If you have a provincial scale, then you will still need designated areas for hot food and cross trainers before service and two authorized areas before service, with an area provided for hot food. If you need to add more accommodations, such as catering, then contact the owner of the facility where you’re planning on serving your food.

Next, you must decide whether you want a proper kitchen design or a theme. A proper design will help your kitchen’s function efficiently. It will vary with your location. It will also help fit in with your Communion process. Designers will help you ascertain your purpose and identify what kind of space you require.

Planning Your Kitchen 

Once you have chosen what look you want for your kitchen, then make sure you plan it out carefully. This will give you a better general idea of how you’re going to proceed with your décor as well as make it easier to address issues surrounding your kitchen.

Shop Around

When shopping for a design, it’s best to shop around. Resist the temptation to pay attention to first price points first. You can then follow up with the most expensive choice and judge their quality.

Speak to the Design Professional

Once you have completed your design, it’s important that you get all the opinions of an expert. Bring folks in from time to time to see how their ideas translate to your needs. You can also present questions for consumers and ask the best design professionals in your area to provide feedback.

Get Professional Installation

It’s a lot of hard work to work on a building. It’s easy to consider highly technical specifics for conventional shop real estate but this is not always the case for church facilities. When you are considering church furniture, make sure you get professional installation. Commercialism is a big decision and the last thing you want to do is to compromise the quality of your church due to a lack of expertise in the field.

Before you send the design process to work, make sure you have done your research and have a plot out on the floor plan. This is the solution to pulling off a perfect design that will provide a beautiful and functional space.

One of the most important things to consider is how much space you have to play with. You need to make sure that you have enough room for services such as cleaning, cooking and cooking hot food. Sometimes these are not convenient for an individual who wants to eat alone.

Next, you will need to decide on functionality. Will you need catering and a kitchen/catering area separately? If so, do you have room for both? If so, do you need to separate the kitchen and serve it in separate rooms? If you do need separate services, then you will need to make sure that all guests have access to the kitchen area.  Will you need commercial kitchen equipment?

Finally, coordinating power and sound are important features frequently ignored that will prove very useful. Power those lights as far as possible from your kitchen and don’t take any incoming telephone calls from the kitchen area in the same manner that you would if it was in the service area.

Church News

Sacramento Churches

Sacramento Churches


Sacramento is home to a wide variety of churches, including Roman Catholic, Baptist, Non-denominational, Methodist, and Pentecostal. Believers of God always search for the right Sacramento church to worship God, meet new people, and even serve others. Let us explore to find the most reputed churches in Sacramento.

1. Capital Christian Center

2. Calvary Christian Center

3. Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament

4. Real Life Church

5. The Crossing Church

6. Bayside Church Midtown

7. St. John’s Lutheran Church

8. Our Lady of Guadalupe Church

9. St. Paul Missionary Baptist Church

10. City Bible Church

11. Center of Praise Ministries

12. Arcade Church

1. Capital Christian Center

Capital Christian Center is a highly popular Pentecostal church in Sacramento. Established in 1916, this Assemblies of God church welcomes all people. Rick Cole is the Senior Pastor of this Sacramento church. He took charge from his father, Glen D. Cole, on September 17, 1995. In addition to being a pastor, Rick is also an author and a social worker.

Offering great music and motivating messages, Capital Christian Center provides a perfect setting for worship. You can come across extremely friendly people in this church. The auditorium of this church can accommodate 700 people. You can visit this church at 9.00am or 11.00 am on Sunday to attend the services. You can even attend these services online. The mission of this Pentecostal Sacramento church is Gather, Grow, and Go.’

Address – Capital Christian Center, 9470 Micron Ave, Sacramento, CA 95827

Church Office (Phone Number) – 916-856-5683

14-hour contact line – 916-856-5690

2. Calvary Christian Center

Established in 1980, Calvary Christian Center has been gaining in popularity as a safe place of worship. The founder, Dr. Phillip G. Goudeaux, and his wife Brenda Goudeaux are highly renowned pastors, authors, and teachers. Offering highly inspiring motivational classes, they have brought positive changes in the lives of several people.

This non-denominational Sacramento church teaches believers about the Triune God: the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Both Phillip and Brenda preach that all scripture is provided through the inspiration of God. Calvary Christian Center makes people aware of the need for baptism by water. It also believes in observing the Lord’s Supper.

The Sunday church services are available at 9.00 am, 11:30 am, and 6 pm. The Bible study classes are conducted every Tuesday at 10.00 am. This Sacramento church also offers prayer services every Wednesday at 6.30 pm. The mission statement of the church is Winning Souls, Changing Lives, and Helping People.’

Address – Calvary Christian Center, 2667 Del Paso Blvd, Sacramento, CA 95815

Church Office (Phone Number) – 916-929-5725 ext. 175

3. Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament

Located in the heart of Sacramento city, the Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament is a beautiful church with a rich legacy. Following the classic Roman Catholic belief system and sacraments, this Sacramento church has been instrumental in changing the lives of a large number of people.

Serving as the mother church for the Diocese of Sacramento, this cathedral is highly renowned for its amazing architecture. It is one of the most historically significant buildings in Sacramento. The main pastor or rector of this church is Father Michael O’Reilly.

Sunday masses are conducted at 8.00 am, 10.00 am, and 4.00 pm. This Sacrament church also offers masses in Chinese and Spanish. You can attend the church services online as well. Many people are also making use of the church building for weddings, baptisms, confessions, and other kinds of holy orders.

Address – Cathedral of the Blessed Sacrament, 1019 11th Street, Sacramento, CA 95814

Church Office (Phone Number) – 916-444-3071

4. Real Life Church

Started in 2007 by pastors known as Scott and Karen Hagan, Real Life Church is popularly known as a multi-missional, multi-generational, and multicultural church. The lead pastor of this Sacramento church is Dean Deguara. The mission statement of Real Life Church is Engaging Real Life, Embracing Real People, and Encountering the Real God.’

It is a sovereign church that has been voluntarily associating with the Assemblies of God Fellowship. The church hall can accommodate people between 800 and 900. The pastors teach ESV or NKJV versions of the Bible. You can attend church services at 10.00 am on Sunday and at 6.30 pm on Wednesday.

Real Life Church also lets believers participate in church services online. A dedicated team of pastors is working together to popularize the Old and New Testaments of the Bible responsibly. According to them, these are the words of God, and everybody should follow them to lead a purposeful and fulfilling life.  Their sanctuary was recently updated by a General Contractor Sacramento so it is very nice and comfortable to visit.

Address – Real Life Church, 1921 Arena Blvd Ste 100, Sacramento, CA 95834

Church Office (Phone Number) – 916- 928-9005

5. The Crossing Church

If you are on the lookout for a safe and reliable non-denominational place to worship God in Sacramento, you can choose The Crossing Church. According to the founders, Kyle Johnson and Kelly Johnson, a church is not just a building but a community of people.

Working as an instrument of change in this world, this Sacramento church serves the community as Jesus demonstrated. The friendly pastors and volunteers along with inspiring music create an enjoyable ambiance for worship. The church services are offered at 8.30 am and 10.00 am on all Sundays for believers.

This church believes that the living world of God, Holy Bible is the best way to learn and follow him. It doesn’t matter whether you believe in God or skeptical, you can attend the services offered by this Sacramento Church.

Address – The Crossing Church, 1227 N, Market Blvd, Sacramento, CA 95834

Church Office (Phone Number) – 916-928-0599

6. Bayside Church Midtown

Established in 2011, Bayside Church Midtown teaches traditional Christian views and advice people to lead a meaningful life with a strong commitment to the community. The founding pastor of this Sacramento church is Bob Balian. He and his wife, Letty Balian always have strong faith in Bible and believe that it was inspired by Jesus Christ.

If you want to experience the grace and love of God, you need to transform yourself. That is what exactly Bob teaches his followers. The core values of Bayside Church Midtown are centered on biblical-based teachings, the atmosphere of acceptance, inspiring worship, and discipleship.

The church Sunday service times are 8:00 am, 9:45 am, and 11:30 am. Online services are also offered to accommodate the needs of the maximum number of believers.

Address – Bayside Church Midtown, 2225 19th St, Sacramento, CA 95818

Church Office (Telephone Number) – 916 706-2337

7. St. John’s Lutheran Church

St. John’s Lutheran Church is one of the ancient churches in Sacramento. Founded in 1867, this church follows the Lutheran belief system. Being a member of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), this church urges people to do God’s work with grace and commitment.

This Sacramento church invites people to be a part of their community that shows unbreakable trust in the gospel. Irrespective of your age, race, gender, socioeconomic status, or sexual orientation, you can be a part of this community. On September 29, 1867, the first worship service was held by Pastor Matthias Goethe. Since then, it has been grown into one of the most popular Lutheran churches in Sacramento.

You can attend the church services on Sunday at 8.00 am, 9.00 am, and 11:30 am. It also offers services on Wednesday at 12.15 pm. The church hall easily accommodates people between 350 and 400.

Address – 1701 L Street, Sacramento, CA 95811

Office (Telephone Number) – 916-444-0874

8. Our Lady of Guadalupe Church

Established in 1958, Our Lady of Guadalupe Church has been home to a wide range of ethnic groups. The parish priest of this Sacramento church is Father Francisco J. Hernandez. The Mass times available on Sunday are 7.00 am, 9.00 am, 11.00 am, 1.00 pm, and 5.00 pm. The church services are also available at 8.00 am and 7.00 pm on all Saturdays and weekdays. All these masses are offered in the Spanish language.

You can find a beautiful rose garden on the campus of this Catholic Church. Many believers are relying on this Sacramento church for conducting various functions, such as marriage, baptism, first communion, Anointing of the Sick, and many more. There is a small shop on the church corridor that sells many valuable items, including the Bible, Catholic books, rosaries, statues, music CDs, and baptism gifts.

Address – Our Lady of Guadalupe Church, 711 T Street, Sacramento, CA 95811

Office (Telephone Number) – 916-442-3211


9. St. Paul Missionary Baptist Church

St. Paul Missionary Baptist Church creates a perfect environment for families to grow together in Christ. With the help of knowledgeable and experienced pastors and volunteers, this Sacramento church makes people aware of the fact that the Bible is from God and the Bible speaks the truth.

The Sunday worship services are held at 10.00 pm. Children can attend online Bible study classes every Wednesday at 12.00 pm. Kenneth Ray Reece is the main pastor of this church. As one of the best Baptist churches in Sacramento, St. Paul Missionary Baptist Church teaches its members the true importance of faith.

Address – St. Paul Missionary Baptist Church, 3996 14th Ave, Sacramento, CA 95820

Office (Telephone Number) – 916-737-7070

10. City Bible Church

City Bible Church is a popular non-denominational church in Sacramento. Established in 2016, this church proclaims the glory of Christ and His word to help people leading responsible and meaningful lives. Vlad Burlaka is the founding pastor of this Sacramento church. A dedicated team of pastors and other staff are working with him to motivate people to place their trust in Christ.

This Sacramento church has been doing a commendable job to make the community understand the value of God’s word, the Bible. You can attend the church services at 1.30 pm on all Sundays. Online services are also offered to take care of the needs of many followers. This church creates the best opportunities for you to interact with new people and catch up with friends after the worship session.

Address – City Bible Church, 6879 14th Ave, Sacramento, CA 95820

11. Center of Praise Ministries

Bishop Parnell M. Lovelace, Jr. is the founder of the Center of Praise Ministries. He is often known as the People’s Bishop. With his life-transforming teachings, Bishop Parnell has made a positive impact on the lives of a large number of people. In addition to being a pastor, he is also a great teacher, prolific thinker, and progressive leader.

With a mission of embracing people, belonging to all backgrounds, this Sacramento church sends a message of unconditional love and abundant grace to all people in society. The ultimate objective of this church is to make everyone the disciple of Jesus Christ. Founded in 1989, the Center of Praise Ministries has been offering excellent services to the community to improve the quality of life in many different ways.

The Sunday church services are conducted at 7:00 am, 8:45 am, and 10:30am. You can also attend these services online.

Address – 2223 Capitol Avenue, Sacramento, CA 95816

Office (Telephone Number) – 916-441-3305

12. Arcade Church

With an objective of taking the maximum number of people closer to Jesus Christ, Arcade Church has been making dedicated efforts to make changes in the lives of a large number of people. The Sunday services are offered at 9.00 am. Believers are also allowed to attend these services online.

Craig Hardinger is the lead pastor of this Sacramento church. A team of experienced pastors is also working with him to get people to hear, see, and follow Jesus. You can download the church app to get instant notifications about the services and other related matters.

Address-Arcade Church, 3927 Marconi Ave, Sacramento, CA 95821

Office (Telephone Number) – 916-972-1617

Other popular churches in Sacramento include:

– The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

– True Jesus Church, Society Church

– Citizens Church

– City Church of Sacramento

– Divine Mercy Catholic Church

– Antioch Progressive Baptist Church

– Shiloh Baptist Church

You can come across a myriad of churches in Sacramento. These are the most popular churches available in this area. When it comes to searching for a Sacramento church, you need to find one that matches your own beliefs.


A Church Guide for Salem Oregon

salem oregon church

1. Salem Alliance Church

The church boasts an extensive pastoral team that allows for colorful services 5 times a week. Each service is guaranteed to be different from the last and although the main hall is quite expansive, the whole church gives off a small town intimate feeling that makes its members feel close to one another.

On top of that, the church also provides several amenities that members and visitors can enjoy from. This includes bicycle repair services, a refugee ministry that provides education to those who which to be professional ministers, and a coffee outreach program.

2. St Joseph Salem Church

With a history that dates back to the 1850s, the St. Joseph Church in Salem is as important for its historical significance as it is for its religious role. Numerous renovations throughout the church’s history have maintained its classical church feel. Like most catholic churches, this church displays statues, stained glass, arches, and all the artworks associated with Roman Catholicism.

All that means this place is ideal to witness a traditional form of worship done in the original Latin. Other than that, be sure to check the place out to see one of the great architectural highlights of the city of Salem.

3. Fellowship Salem Church

Many who visit the Fellowship Salem Church swear by its ability to make you feel better no matter what situation you have in life. The mission church is outreach-oriented and gives sermons tailored to the demands of the times. Music is said to be quite enjoyable and the congregation is diverse as it is welcoming to outsiders.

The Fellowship Church also has a track record of being quite community-oriented, helping out in any way they can for the members in need. They are also known for being well-versed in scriptures and having highly involved pastors always ready to give life advice.

4. Morning Star Community Salem Church

A family-oriented church that feels more like a weekly concert than a service, the Morning Star Community Salem Church provides a lot of fun to go along with their devotional activities. Children and teenagers too can benefit from their extensive list of programs.

One of the main things the church is known for is the constant presence of professional music players that are utilized to emphasize the sermons with song. All this goes directly into providing the most emotional worship that takes pride in being community-based. Many consider this church to be more than a place of worship – they see it as a home.

5. Bethel Baptist Church

The teachings of the Bethel Baptist Salem Church come directly from the King James Bible and are delivered by truly skilled preachers. The church makes a reputation for itself as a family place and it shows. There are numerous programs for children’s education with regards to biblical teachings and the church sponsors over 60 missionary operations all over the globe.

The congregation is also quite friendly and welcoming of people from all walks of life. Several services take place throughout the week and Sunday school for the youth as well.

6. Salem Heights Church

Salem Heights is a fairly large church situated in the heart of Salem. Many who visit though say that despite the size, the members waste no time in making you feel welcome and a part of their large family. Pianos, drums, and guitars feature prominently in the church’s services but there are also brass and string instruments complimenting. The pastors are always quick to relate their sermons to current events troubling the community.

Reviews of the church say that the pastors are not afraid to deal with topics that are not discussed enough in the communities they serve and the congregation is said to appreciate this greatly.

7. Queen of Peace Catholic Church

The priests managing the Queen of Peace Catholic Salem Church are said to be exceptionally kind and accommodating. The parish is a close-knit community that deeply adheres to the words of the bible and it is evident in their Sunday services. These services are usually filled with song and praise and many stay long after the mass has concluded.

As for the church itself, it possesses all the architectural grandeur and pieces of moving religious art expected from Catholic churches. Like many churches of the faith, the high ceilings make it conducive to singing.

8. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

The Salem Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, also known as the Mormon Salem Church, is part of a denomination that considers itself to be the restoration of the original church of Jesus Christ. The relatively large church houses two wards, beautiful architecture, and well-maintained grounds in the surroundings. The place also serves as the Monmouth Oregon Stake Center and services take place every Sunday.

Visitors, even those of different beliefs, are very much welcomed in the church. Apart from the usual programs, there are also several other projects the church undertakes to help its congregation and the community surrounding it.

9. West Salem Foursquare Church

The Foursquare Church is a Pentecostal evangelical denomination that was founded in 1923 by Aimee McPherson. The West Salem Church is a branch of that and caters to the followers in the area. The pastors in this church go above and beyond for their congregation and are said to be very accommodating to inquiring visitors.

The church also offers several successful youth and children’s groups which give structure to the younger members of the congregation. Sunday schools are also a standard offering and allow parents a safe and good place to leave their children. On top of that, the entire church aims to be quite family-oriented and provides entertaining services that are also deeply emotional.

Services occur almost every day except for Fridays and Saturdays.


10. Saint Mark Lutheran Salem Church

As one of the largest and original denominations of Protestantism, is it any wonder that the Lutheran Church has a branch residing in the heart of the spiritual city of Salem. This particular church preaches the Holy Scriptures and promotes strong faith and the belief in being saved through the grace of God alone.

Those who go to this church state that it’s a place best appreciated alone in solemn contemplation. Though the large membership can be quite intimidating, St. Mark’s affects believers on a personal level. They offer services and educational programs throughout the week and are deeply involved in missionary work within the community and beyond.

Along with spreading the good work, they also make it a point to engage in philanthropic works as well. Many projects of this sale church involve the feeding and housing of the poor and needy. It is open to outsiders who are curious or to those who simply wish to volunteer themselves for the outreach programs and help the community for the better.

11. Outward Church

Though relatively new when compared to more established churches in Salem, the Outward Church is showing a lot of potential as a church geared towards the worship and education of Salem’s youth. They have hired many Contractors Salem Oregon to remodel their sanctuary and classrooms and it really shows. They do this by mixing their sermon with very current musical sets that can entertain as well as move you emotionally.

The main goal of this Salem Church is to expand the good news of Christ “outward” to the community. It can be said that they do this by appearing hip and conscious of the current trends the younger generations seem to adhere to. Overall, many say that the church is worth checking out at the very least.

12. Family Life

The Salem church of Family Life lives up to its name in many ways. The programs are tailored to make worship and devotion a fun experience for the entire family. The Children’s ministry caters to young people with theatre and musical productions. Musical instruments are in no short supply as they are the main components in almost every service.

The values professed by the church are evident in those who attend. Rare it is to see a member of the congregation without a smile on his/her face. Services occur 3 times a week, and there are numerous other programs to be a part of.

13. Peoples Church

The Peoples Salem Church has, for many decades now, been a mainstay in the community and the lives of countless Salem citizens. There are known for their extremely festive attitude towards holidays and an annual car show to raise funds for the church and charity.

Services are occurring twice a week, Fridays and Sundays, but there are a string of other events and programs to join to be more involved. Many adults have fond memories of growing up going to this church and many say it is very welcoming to visitors.

14. Capital Park Wesleyan Church

Though small in size, this Salem church makes up for that with a deep sense of community and small-town simplicity that just cannot be replicated anywhere else in Salem. The surrounding area of the church is quaint and filled with trees and grass but is still close enough to the major thoroughfares of the city to be accessible by everyone.

They are actively willing to take in inquiring visitors or those souls looking for guidance – even if they’re of a different denomination. The deep sense of community is also apparent in the services as it seems everyone knows each other. Despite this, the congregation is sure to make you feel like one of them in no time.

15. Salem Evangelical Church

Of all the Salem churches, the Salem Evangelical Church is one of the most prominent and well-known churches in its denomination in Salem. This means that many of the evangelical faith turn to this church for refuge, guidance, and the teaching of the bible. The surrounding community is quintessential Salem and often invites outsiders willingly to partake of the church activities.

The church also offers numerous educational programs for all ages. In a way, the church is also a school on spiritual matters and the teaching of the bible.

Some Reminders

Since the world currently finds itself in the grips of a pandemic, it should be noted that many of the churches listed here have implemented measures to promote safety and follow the city and state guidelines for mass gatherings. That means that many of the service days have been changes, programs have been halted, and the number of visitors has been limited in order to avoid transmission of the Covid-19 Virus.

Before visiting a church, be sure to look up what kind of measures the church has implemented to ensure the safety of visitors and their regular congregation alike. Also, avoid going into areas with a high number of active cases for your own safety. That being said many churches are more than safe to visit so long as you wear the necessary protective gear.

In Conclusion

Salem churches are more than just places for the worship of those who visit them but are case studies for the way of life of the people of Salem as a whole. Visiting a few will greatly let you in on how the people of Salem can hospitable and welcoming to those looking to know their way of life.